
While reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of this website, St Vincent's provides these pages as a service only and cannot warrant the accuracy of these documents. St Vincent's assumes no responsibility for any representation, implied or expressed, concerning the efficacy, appropriateness or suitability of any treatment or product. In view of the possibility of human error or advances in medical knowledge, St Vincent's cannot and does not warrant that the information contained in these pages is in every respect accurate or complete. Accordingly, St Vincent's is not and will not be held responsible or liable for any errors or omissions that may be found in any of the information on this site.

You are encouraged to consult other sources in order to confirm the information contained in any of these pages and in the event that medical treatment is required, to take professional, expert advice from a legally qualified and appropriately experienced medical practitioner. Links provided to other internet sites are provided for the user's convenience and do not constitute endorsement of the information at those sites, or any associated person, organisation, product or service. St Vincent's may make improvements and/or changes in the materials contained in or described on this site at any time without notice.


St Vincent's Foundation
Level 3, Suite 300
100 Victoria Parade
East Melbourne, Victoria 3002