The Sisterhood of St Vincent's 

The 2024 Sisterhood Gala Lunch 

The 2024 The Sisterhood of St Vincent’s Lunchtime Gala was an unforgettable celebration of unity and support. It truly surpassed all expectations.

The surprise act by Soul'd, which was the highlight of the day, brought the house down with their heavenly harmonies and funky moves.

We want to say a big thank you to Lauren Phillips and her surprise wingman Clint Stanaway for hosting the event. 

Thank you so much to everyone who attended, both returning guests and newcomers alike. Your presence made the event truly special. 

Thank you so much for being a part of the Sisterhood and for contributing to The Sisterhood Support Fund. Thanks to your purchases of raffle tickets and live auction items, $40,000 was raised.

You're now part of a special group of passionate women who care about the health of their community and who stand up for those less fortunate.

The total raised is a great start, but we still have a way to go to reach our target. We need to raise $80,000 to keep the fund going.

Donate today

Relive the magic of the day with our highlights video, and relive the memories as you scroll through the fantastic photos below from The Sisterhood of St Vincent’s Lunchtime Gala 2024.

About The Sisterhood of St Vincent’s 

The Sisterhood of St Vincent’s is a network of dedicated women supporting women’s health issues and women in health, science and engineering.

This group of dedicated and driven women inspire each other and those around them to raise funds for St Vincent’s hospitals and research programs.

As well as supporting women in health, The Sisterhood of St Vincent’s is committed to helping to shape the future of medicine through their interest and support and by inspiring and nurturing future leaders.

The Sisterhood also advocates for women’s health, mental health and women as carers, with a focus on palliative care.

Funds raised go towards nursing research, scholarships, care giving and women’s health.

The Sisterhood of St Vincent’s was started over 10 years ago with a small group of women who were passionate about continuing the mission of The Sisters of Charity, by raising awareness and funds for the hospital.

Follow #stvssisterhood

Genazzano Institute - Engaging future generations

The Genazzano Institute of Learning & Brain Sciences is an educational initiative to promote knowledge and practice in the evolving fields of learning and brain sciences for students, educators and the wider community. For more information visit

The partnership between Genazzano Institute, The Sisterhood of St Vincent's and St Vincent’s Foundation was established to aim to:

  • Foster the shared values of justice, compassion, companionship and excellence through education and action in the areas of philanthropy and medical advancement.
  • Provide exceptional opportunities for students to develop knowledge and skill in areas of medicine and technology, through engaging with the world class work and research of Australia’s first collaborative, hospital-based biomedical engineering research centre, ACMD.
  • Promote education and skills in the field of philanthropy. Students may earn a microcredential in the Foundations in Philanthropy.
  • Engage with The Sisterhood of St Vincent’s to support the work of St Vincent’s Hospitals and research.

“I am incredibly proud of the amazing group of women who gave their time, their resources and themselves to form what we call ‘The Sisterhood’. Our group was established to help carry out the ongoing mission of our founders, The Sisters of Charity, and we feel privileged to have supported critical areas of need, such as Cardiology, Dermatology and Mental Health at St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne.” 

- Sarah Kennedy, The Sisterhood of St Vincent’s

“This is our 10th event; covid stopped a few.We had our first event in 2011 in a first event in a boatshed with about 50 women and now we have this huge room in this amazing vent Mcgrath quoted  (Sisterhood commitee member)

"We have always raised money for mental health and women and that was really hard to talk about and now we have come from the other side of panademic and we all know each of us in this room and in thre sisterhood, also how important it is." Amber Petty. (Sisterhood commitee member)

- Fiona Byrne, The Sunday Herald Sun,28 May 2023

The Sisterhood of St Vincent's Sponsors for 2024


St Vincent's Foundation
Ground floor
Rear, 55 Victoria Parade
Fitzroy, Victoria 3065