Get Involved

Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved with St Vincent's Foundation Victoria. 

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Make a donation

By giving donation today, you can make a difference to drive innovation and research, improve patient health care and educate our new generation of clinicians.

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Support our capital campaign

We are supporting two ambitious building projects in the heart of Melbourne - the ACMD and new development for St Vincent's Private Hospital Fitzroy.

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Fulfill our wishlist

We invite you to consider making a donation to fund equipment or project for St Vincent's - ensuring our medical teams can provide the very best in patient care. 

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Fundraising and Events

Get involved in one of our events or create your own fundraising events to support St Vincent's and your community. 

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Join our diverse community of corporate and philanthropists that inspires social purpose by giving back to the community.

Share your story

Whether it's about your stay or the care that your loved ones received at St Vincent's, we would love to hear your St Vincent's story.

Take our survey

Our survey will only take a few minutes to complete but the value of your responses will last much longer. 


St Vincent's Foundation
Level 3, Suite 300
100 Victoria Parade
East Melbourne, Victoria 3002